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[오늘의 뉴스] 2024년 6월 26일 원자재 뉴스 및 경제 동향

by 파라크래프트 2024. 6. 26.

2024년 6월 26일 하루동안 있었던 경제와 관련된 시황, 원자재 등의 뉴스를 기록하는 포스팅입니다.


◎ 6월 26일 (수) 주요일정



20:00 미국 MBA 모기지신청건수

21:30 미국 건축허가건수

23:00 미국 5월 신규주택판매

23:30 EIA 원유 재고

02:00 미국 국채5년물 발행금리

05:30 미국 연준 은행 스테레스 테스트 보고서


07:30 연준의 매파적 발언에 USD 강세가 이어지면서 금 하락


Gold slips as strong USD follows Fed hawkish remarks

Gold falls 0.59%, pressured by a recovering US Dollar and rising Treasury yields. Golden metal was pressured by Fed Governor Michelle Bowman's hawkish remarks. Fed’s Lisa Cook is neutral, forecasting a sharp inflation decline next year. US Conference Boa



07:30 단기 차트 변동이 계속되면서 WTI는 $81.50에서 다시 한 번 하락했고 API 주간 원유 수량에 따르면 매장량의 예상치 못한 증가가 보고됨


Crude Oil slips back on Tuesday, WTI falls to $80.50 after API reports another surprise buildup

WTI falls back once more from $81.50 as near-term chart churn continues. API weekly Crude Oil counts reported another unexpected increase in reserves. Middle East tensions keep Crude Oil risk bid elevated, but weakness persists. West Texas Intermediate (WT



07:45 리사 쿡 연방준비은행 총재 는 연준에 금리를 낮출 것을 권고했지만 언제 인지는 밝히지 않음


Fed Gov. Cook Calls For Lower Interest Rates 'At Some Point'

Federal Reserve Governor Lisa Cook recommends lowering interest rate, citing progress on inflation and labor market. No set timeline given.



07:45 엔비디아 주가는 4,300억 달러 규모의 시장 침체 이후 반등하며 거의 7% 급등


Nvidia shares surge nearly 7%, bouncing after $430 billion market slump By Reuters

Nvidia shares surge nearly 7%, bouncing after $430 billion market slump



08:00 러시아, 이란 석유 및 가스 부문 투자 확대 검토


Russia Eyes Expansion of Investment in Iranian Oil and Gas Sector | OilPrice.com

Russian oil companies are to undertake a slew of new investments to development Iran’s huge oil and gas reserves



11:00 연방준비제도이사회(Fed) 의장 보우먼(Bowman)은 인플레이션이 개선되지 않을 경우 금리를 인상할 가능성이 여전히 있다고 밝힘


Fed Governor Bowman says she's still open to raising rates if inflation doesn't improve

Federal Reserve Governor Michelle Bowman said Tuesday the time is not right yet to start lowering interest rates.



11:45 연준의 매파적 전망 속에 금값은 이틀 연속 하락세


Gold hangs near one-week low, bears seem non-committed amid Fed rate cut uncertainty

Gold price drifts lower for the second straight day amid the Fed’s hawkish outlook. A September rate cut by the Fed remains on the table, which caps gains for the USD. Persistent geopolitical tensions contribute to limiting the downside for the XAU/USD.



11:45 미국 인플레이션 데이터에 투자자들이 경계하면서 아시아 증시는 혼조


Asian shares shaky as investors wary before US inflation data By Reuters

Asian shares shaky as investors wary before US inflation data




23:00 미국 5월 신규 주택 판매 보고서 : -11.3%



23:30  EIA 증류액 재고 실제 -0.377M(예측 -1.05M, 이전 -1.726M)

23:30  EIA 휘발유 재고 실제 2.654M (예측 -1.5M, 이전 -2.280M)

23:30  EIA 원유 재고 실제 3.591M (예측 -2.82M, 이전 -2.547M)




